
Life & Love Nuggets Podcast

What do you do when you don’t like your spouse (but love them)? (Episode 82)

You love your spouse, but do you like them?  Any one can find moments in their life when they love their spouse, but are having trouble liking them! Having these happen briefly are a normal part of living with another human. But, if this persists, it is a sign that we need to take a closer look at our relationship and get some tools to help build a more fulfilling life and relationship.  Brent and Janis explore how this happens and how we can actually make changes in our attitudes and interactions that can add liking to loving your spouse.

View the transcript at here.

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The Life & Love Nuggets podcast will help you learn valuable insights into relationships, life, and love. Brent and Janis have been empowering couples through pre-marriage and marriage therapy in their private practice, Life Connection Counseling, since 1982. They recently retired after forty years of pastoral ministry and are continuing to help individuals, marriages and families in their private practice.

The podcast is produced by Clayton Creative in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The content should not be considered or used for counseling but for educational purposes only.

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